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  • #7345
    John Montini

    First off, thank you for the informative sessions and your willingness to provide them! Appreciated big time!

    While participating this evening I found myself hyper focusing on individual aspects of the exercises…form, breathing, and overall body posture. Obviously, as I focused on one the other two suffered. What tips or suggestions can you give to get on track with an overall balance of all three?

    Also, regarding the self assessment is there specific instruction on the assessment available? Form, measurement times, high step v reg stride, etc? Having not attended the first Thursday live the only access I have is the video and I can only view the SMART goals break out. YouTube is only giving me the first 17 mins of the video, unless there is an embedded link that I am not seeing, I haven’t been able to locate the actual assessment.

    Any help is truly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Adeline Farrington

    Hi John!

    I am so happy you enjoyed the session yesterday. I know it’s a lot to think about when you are completing these exercises, and I am so glad you are trying your best to work on everything. My recommendation is to get the technique and posture down before focusing on the breathing, because we want to make sure you are completing the exercises safely and do not injure yourself. When practicing technique, it may be beneficial for you video yourself to watch your technique back.

    Regarding the assessments, we are looking into uploading videos of how to complete each functional assessment, so that you all can practice them safely at home.

    Thank you for your participation and great job!

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