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    My name is Lynn. I was diagnosed late last year with breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy with a bilateral breast reduction. I will begin radiation soon. I am happy to be part of this group and will continue moving through out my journey.


    Hi, I’m Claudia, I live in the South Hills. I’ve been in treatment for a GIST tumor (gastro-intestinal stromal tumor) since May of 2019 at which time I had emergency surgery to remove it. I take a daily chemo pill, with minimal side effects (I wish my hair weren’t getting so thin!). I need accountability to keep me moving in a productive way and am really happy to be part of this group. I look forward to the day when we can meet in person; in the meantime I am grateful for all the people I’ve met via the various programs that Cancer Bridges offers, especially the artsy ones :-).

    AvatarBeth Schmidt

    Hi, My name is Beth. I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal Carcinoma of the Right Breast. I am having a lumpectomy and 2 sentinal lyphth nodes removed on Feb 2nd. I have been walking, riding my exercise bike and doing some strength and Balance exercises. Not sure how much exercise, I can do and will want to do after surgery. Regardless alteast, I can walk. Happy feet is just what I needed to get and keep me motivated. I am married and live in Glenshaw.


    Hi….my name is Mother Galina. I am an Orthodox Catholic nun. I was very active until 12 years ago when I developed myasthenia gravis. While it slowed me down, I still remained fairly active. Then in January of 2021 I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer while expecting a hip replacement. I had a hysterectomy and chemo followed that. I seemed to,have had a very rough time with the chemo in part due to the chemo and myasthenia drugs not being so compatible I think. I lost 22 pounds from being so sick but I also didn’t move very much so between the tow illnesses I have lost a lot of muscle tone. I gained 11 pounds back since food is tasting good again! I was ask to lose 45 pounds before a possible hip replacement in May or June. It is very hard to lose when you cannot walk. I use a wheelchair due to the hip pain at home. I feel very hopeful with the first session of this program! I am so grateful it is being offered. Let’s do this!


    Hi! It’s Jessica.
    I have/ had ovarian cancer. After ignoring my persistent belly pain for at least 4 months, I took myself to the ER and they found a very large mass in there. The next day I had the mass removed and also a hysterectomy. Then I needed 6 cycles of chemo therapy. Now I have a clean bill of health.
    My big problem now is with my return to real life. Being sick is easy. Being healthy is terrifying.


    Hi! I’m Jet, and a caregiver. I initially joined cancer bridges years ago with my aunt, who at the time had been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I was one of few who helped her get through treatment. I now work with others who are living with cancer as well as other chronic health issues.


    Hi my name is Maria Worst, I am a care giver to my husband Paul who has stage 4 colon Cancer. He is one tough hard working man. He was diagnosed in 2016. He had a huge mass in his colon removed and completed 2 rounds of chemo. The cancer was in remission for 2 years and came back and traveled to liver and lungs. In August of 2019 he started chemo and has been on an every 2 week course of chemo until his first break on October 1 when he had a heart attach and found out he had Covid. He was hospitalized for the Heart had a Catherization finding all looked good heart wise. Skipped 1 chemo session and missed 1 more week of chemo due to a foot infection and then started back to chemo. At the end of 21 he had a cat scan and all looks good. His blood levels are good Starting in 2022 he now is taking percautions to keep the cancer away and continueing chemo once a month. Not as nice as no chemo, however we have 6 grandchildren and 4 children and 4 in laws to enjoy spending time with. I pray that he will be here with me for many more years to come. Paul retired in July and has time to enjoy his retirement time.

    I am also an only child and I am helping my mom to care care for her needs and my father’s needs who has just been put on At home Hospice. Needless to say we have an active life.


    Hello everyone. I am Kathryn. I am 54 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in September. I am currently going through chemo. I have been so distracted with the diagnosis, treatment and work, that I couldn’t even think about exercise. Well, now I feel like it is time to start taking control back of my wellness! I learned a lot during the initial meeting. I have been reading the book by Dr. Schmitz, and realize that it is up to me to get moving. It will be slow, but my commitment to myself is to make exercise a regular part of my routine. I look forward to being part of this group.


    Hello All, This is Janet Marlatt here. I am cancer free x5 years now. Although NED, I continue to have various issues resulting from my stage III Endometrial cancer with recurrence after about 10 months of surgery, chemo and radiation. I am interested in gaining some strength and endurance because I need to be active this summer–swimming, biking and hiking!!

    AvatarKaren Raman

    Hello! MY name is Karen Raman. I am a 30 year survivor of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. It was discovered by accident when some blood work revealed extremely high white blood cells. I received 13 different rounds of chemotherapy combination treatments & two rounds of radiation. I also had chemo injected in my spine when the leukemia invaded my spinal fluid. I had an Autologous Stem Cell Transplant in 2002 & an Allogenic Stem Cell Transplant from an unrelated donor in 2011. In 2012 I received 4 rounds of lymphocytes from my original donor when I developed Lymphocytosis. Since 2014, I began targeted oral therapy. I strongly believe if you have people to share your cancer journey it is much easier. I have taken advantage of many of CancerBridges offerings which have all been extremely helpful in remaining hopeful.


    Hello Everyone! I’m trying to get back in shape after being diagnosed with breast cancer and going through surgery, chemo, and radiation, along with all the emotional stuff. I feel like it took a few years after my diagnosis just to start feeling somewhat normal again. I joined a gym and have been working out a lot, but the weight does not want to leave my body. I do feel better from moving and I know I’m getting stronger. I want to get in better shape and that keeps me motivated. I want to take my life back. Cancer is such a disruption on so many levels.
    I’m looking forward to great speakers so I can learn more, stay motivated and maybe connect with others.

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