The Cancer Bridges website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from March 17th to March 20th. During this time the website may be unavailable.

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  • #7254

    Welcome to Happy Feet Fall 2024! Introduce yourself, share a little about yourself.

    AvatarAl Mancini

    Hello. I’m Al. I was diagnosed with colon cancer in December on 2022, had surgery and chemotherapy. I’ve been free of cancer for 15 months. I’m 81 and really don’t have any daily contacts and feel somewhat isolated.


    Welcome Al! We are excited to have you on board!

    AvatarJamie Rupert

    Hi everyone!! I’m Jet. I was a caregiver for my aunt several years ago, and I now work within the cancer community. I absolutely love the community we have with happy feet! <3

    AvatarBeth Schmidt

    Hi. Everyone. I am Beth. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer. Had surgery and radation in february 2022. Good to see Al. We do the vsa Coffee connect and Cupa Joe online together sometimes. Happy feet is the best. I anm so grateful for the program and everthing that Jen does. This community is the best. Can’t wait until Sunday.

    AvatarRachel Wiggins

    Hello everyone! I’m Rachel, 46 year old mother of two and wife of one fabulous man. I was diagnosed with stage iii breast cancer in 2018. It came back and spread to my lung in 2023. I’m back in treatment and pretty fatigued, nauseous, etc. Looking forward to building some connections and kicking this thing’s butt (again!).

    AvatarTalia Zuco

    Hello!! I’m Talia, I am currently an intern at Cancer Bridges and excited to join the Happy Feet community! I am a senior at Pitt getting my bachelor’s in social work and on the women’s lacrosse team. I can’t wait to get involved and meet you all! Please reach out anytime if you want to chat or need some extra motivation and encouragement.

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