The Cancer Bridges website will be undergoing scheduled maintenance from March 17th to March 20th. During this time the website may be unavailable.

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  • #3761

    I am by no means running a marathon here…..but my quality of life is improving with movement that I didn’t think I was going to be ever capable of doing! Let’s all give a big thank you to Jen and all the other instructors who have been so gracious to give us their time and expertise just to help us all! What a wonderful thing Happy Feet is become for being in my life!
    You all are the best!

    Beth Schmidt

    I have been moving so much more as well. I am so greatful for Happy feet. Thank you Jen and all the instructors. I so enough the program and chatting with everyone after.


    OHHHHHH just seeing this now. So grateful for for ALL of you and proud of you for moving!

    Karen Raman

    To all participants,

    We definitely have all learned that there are treatments for many of our long term issues after cancer treatment. Happy Feet has provided so much hope that something can be done for many long term side effects of treatment. Thank you Jen for arranging the wide variety of speakers who so generously set time aside to speak to us. Hopefully we are all in a better place after completing the Happy Feet program.


    Thank you Jen for leading this great program!

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