Hi my name is Maria Worst, I am a care giver to my husband Paul who has stage 4 colon Cancer. He is one tough hard working man. He was diagnosed in 2016. He had a huge mass in his colon removed and completed 2 rounds of chemo. The cancer was in remission for 2 years and came back and traveled to liver and lungs. In August of 2019 he started chemo and has been on an every 2 week course of chemo until his first break on October 1 when he had a heart attach and found out he had Covid. He was hospitalized for the Heart had a Catherization finding all looked good heart wise. Skipped 1 chemo session and missed 1 more week of chemo due to a foot infection and then started back to chemo. At the end of 21 he had a cat scan and all looks good. His blood levels are good Starting in 2022 he now is taking percautions to keep the cancer away and continueing chemo once a month. Not as nice as no chemo, however we have 6 grandchildren and 4 children and 4 in laws to enjoy spending time with. I pray that he will be here with me for many more years to come. Paul retired in July and has time to enjoy his retirement time.
I am also an only child and I am helping my mom to care care for her needs and my father’s needs who has just been put on At home Hospice. Needless to say we have an active life.