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Pat Corvini

Hi Adeline,

That all makes sense. Thanks!

As to feedback on the handout, if you’re able to edit the pictures, then I’d suggest fixing the feet in the illustration for the squat-with-band-around-knees, as already discussed. 🙂 Also, it would be nice to add some indication of which muscles are being targeted in each resistance exercise. I hesitate to suggest adding text to the instruction blocks, since the whole thing currently fits so neatly on a page (and that is helpful!). Perhaps a fine-print list of muscle names at the bottom of each exercise-name block, for the cases where this info isn’t already contained in the name of the exercise?

As to requests for tomorrow’s session: I’m already regularly doing weighted squats (as well as the seated leg extension) and countertop push-ups. For scheduling reasons, as well as unfamiliarity with the other exercises, I’m planning to use a light band tomorrow and not looking to use this as a heavy lifting session. Rather, I’ll be wanting to use tomorrow’s session as an opportunity to practice form with the new-to-me band exercises — with an eye toward working up to using them to complement what I’m already doing, in the way you suggest. So, since you ask, my own preference for tomorrow would be that we skip the squats and wall push-ups, and focus on exercises that use the band for resistance.
