My name is Selena and I live in Canonsburg, PA with my hubby and dog Bruno. I have two sons ages 32 and 20. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2014 and had a stem cell transplant and immunotherapy. I had complications (sepsis from port, broken arm, bowel rupture, and fungal infection in my lung) but I am still here. I been in remission since 2019 and monitor my labs because I may need treatment again soon. I recently completed PhD nursing education and retired from an insurance job as a nurse case manager I worked at for 19 years. Now, I teach one day a week at a local college for nursing, do vaccine clinics (flu and covid) one day a week when available, and work 3-4 days a week at hospital case management department through an agency.Even though I retired I stay busy lol. I plan on taking 2 weeks off end of February to have a massage day, movie day, and shopping day to feel like I am semi-retired.